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What Most Don't Know About Vertigo

What Most Don't Know About Vertigo

Dizziness is a common human condition that virtually everyone experiences on occasion. Vertigo is dizziness in Technicolor. Instead of a feeling of lightheadedness, vertigo introduces a swirling sensation of spinning, in the room or inside your head. 

Peripheral vertigo starts in the inner ear or vestibular nerve, and it’s what most of us experience. It’s usually not harmful or a cause for concern unless it leads to a risk of falling uncontrollably.  

Less common is central vertigo, which results from problems in the brain, and it can be a symptom of illnesses including atherosclerosis or stroke. Some medications can also be responsible. 

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is perhaps the most common experience, a cause of peripheral vertigo that, despite its imposing name, is usually simple and easily explained. It can be chronic, though, and that’s when the risk of falling becomes more substantial. 

At Active Care Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, we treat BPPV and other causes of vertigo through spinal manipulation. Since vertigo is a sensory condition, spinal alignment typically helps improve conditions for sensory nerves, helping your body work at peak efficiency. 

Let’s take a look at a few surprising facts that most don’t know about vertigo. 

Vertigo is a symptom

On its own, vertigo isn’t a condition or disease. It’s a symptom in much the same way a cough and runny nose accompanies a cold. Sometimes, vertigo can be treated even when its underlying cause can’t be cured, such as with Ménière’s disease. 

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause vertigo

Though easy to detect and treat, low levels of vitamin B12 can cause vertigo, and it’s a cause that’s often overlooked. Breakfast cereals fortified with B12, dairy products, and meat are all good sources of B12. 

Vertigo could reveal heart disease

When you feel dizzy after getting up quickly, you’re experiencing a temporary blood pressure decrease that corrects itself quickly. However, heart conditions like atrial fibrillation and atherosclerosis can reduce the supply of blood to the brain, causing vertigo without the need of sudden movement. 

Dehydration causes vertigo

Several glasses of water could solve a vertigo experience. Dehydration causes changes to your blood pressure, since lost blood volume causes the heart to work harder. As well as dizziness, you may have fatigue, headache, or swollen feet. 

Taking a cruise could leave you with vertigo

It’s referred to as mal de débarquement, the sickness of disembarking, and it’s common after long stretches aboard a ship. Your inner ear, used to the constant motions of being at sea, causes feelings of vertigo after you return to solid ground. It’s usually a short-lived sensation but in rare cases, some people can experience it for months or years after their last cruise. 

There are several simple neck manipulations that can help relieve vertigo. In some cases, we “reset” your inner ear to improve the accuracy of your vestibular system. Other times, we’ll relieve tension and nerve compression in your neck. 

If you’re experiencing frequent vertigo episodes, contact Active Care Chiropractic & Rehabilitation at the nearest of our six locations. Call the most convenient office directly or use the appointment request link on this page. Dizziness and vertigo should be only occasional visitors, so book your visit now

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