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Tips for Maximizing Your Chiropractic Adjustments

Tips for Maximizing Your Chiropractic Adjustments

The pain relief you feel after a chiropractic adjustment can be substantial and virtually instantaneous. It’s natural to want that relief to last. There are ways you can maximize the benefits of your adjustment, both before and after your appointment. 

It doesn’t matter what condition caused you to visit Active Care Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, we follow the core philosophy of chiropractic care, which aims to balance your body’s musculoskeletal system so that it works at peak efficiency, repairing itself. 

Taking steps and making changes to boost the effectiveness of your adjustments is a terrific way to address your own whole-body wellness. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care long after your appointments. 

Stay hydrated

There are certain core tenets that boost your health at any time. Drinking enough water is one of these. Chiropractic adjustments restore your body’s alignment, balancing both joints and the soft tissue supporting them. 

Water is an essential resource for tissue health. It maintains blood volume as well as carrying resources into cells. When water is in short supply, your health suffers. Sure, your bathroom visits may climb, but waste elimination is the most effective way to flush your system of toxins while keeping tissue vital. 

Be active

Another open secret to good health, moderate physical activity provides base-level fitness and overall well being. There’s no need to devote hours to custom workouts in the gym. 

Simply add 30 minutes a day of walking, biking, swimming, or similar activity to gain a boost while keeping your body limber and balanced between adjustments. 

Watch your posture

Take a minute right now to reset yourself into a balanced posture. Feels good, right? We instinctively move into balance when we consciously think of posture. Strain disappears and you just feel better. 

After an adjustment, your skeleton is reset. When you slouch, slump, or otherwise mess with your body’s center of gravity, you’re working against your adjustment and hastening the need for your next visit. 

Do what’s necessary to reset your posture through the day, particularly if your work requires long hours in stationary positions. A timer on a smartwatch or smartphone is a great place to start. 


You sleep for a reason, and it’s not just to enjoy surreal dreams. It’s the primary time for body repair. You need sufficient amounts of each sleep stage, adding up to about eight hours of sleep a night. 

Often, your chiropractic adjustment gets your body into position for a healing response, but it’s still up to your body to perform the actual repairs. If you aren’t sleeping, you’re not healing. 

We can help you with more ideas the next time you visit Active Care Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, information you can use to feel even better after your adjustment. Call or click to schedule an appointment with the nearest of our five offices. Book your visit now. 

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