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10 Adverse Health Effects of Poor Posture

10 Adverse Health Effects of Poor Posture

While poor posture may give you a stiff neck or a sore back, these could be the least of your worries if unbalanced postures have become a habit. Posture has a direct influence on spinal health, and since the spine is crucial for virtually every aspect of your body’s operations, poor posture could potentially affect every system and organ in your body. 

The good news is that Active Care Chiropractic & Rehabilitation can help you break the poor posture habit and regain the benefits of a healthy, balanced spine. Our menu of therapies contains many alternatives to treat both local and systemic posture-related problems. Visit us for your customized personal treatment plan. 

You may be surprised by a few of the 10 adverse health effects of poor posture that we’re reviewing today. Consider each and the benefits that treatment and a few small lifestyle changes can make. 

1. Lower back pain

The lumbar region holds one of the essential curves of the spinal column. Because the spine is located at the back of your body, these curves permit cantilevered loads to support your body. When your posture is chronically unbalanced, loads aren’t even, leading to soft tissue injury and strain.

2. Neck and shoulder pain

The cervical spine region features another curve, that of your neck. Digital devices pull your head down and forward, so this is an increasing problem for many. Neck tension spreads into the shoulders, and you face issues similar to those of the lumbar region. 

3. Headaches

Cervical spine imbalances are often a source of tension that results in headaches. Your pain can originate further down the spine too. As we’ll see, other effects may also contribute to headaches. 

4. Spinal subluxation

Every vertebra has four facet joints, two interfacing with the bone above and two with the bone below. Misalignments of these joints are like partial dislocations, called subluxations. Chiropractic treatments are often effective for realigning the facet joints, limiting the problems they’d cause. 

5. Reduced circulation

When posture constricts blood vessels, you lose an important source of healing building blocks, which arrive at the site of pain and inflammation through your blood. 

6. Nerve compression

Some posture problems contribute to issues that irritate or compress nerve tissue, resulting in pain at the point of contact and anywhere downstream along that nerve. Sciatica is a good example of symptoms that arise from herniated discs and spinal stenosis. 

7. Digestive issues

Poor posture affects areas other than the spine. It’s possible to compress internal organs including the intestines, leading to disorders like acid reflux, bloating, constipation and more. 

8. Breathing problems

Slouching restricts the way your chest cavity expands while hindering diaphragm operation. You may not feel like you can draw a full breath sometimes. 

9. Confidence and mood

Everyone experiences challenges and periods of stress. Standing straight or sitting up in your chair in the face of stressful moments can instantly boost your presence and self-confidence, while slouching postures rob these from you. In a very real way, your mood follows your posture. 

10. Cognitive performance

Reduced blood flow to the brain because of posture can take a toll on memory and cognitive performance, particularly as you get older. Addressing poorly balanced posture now pays dividends in the future. 

Visit the nearest location of Active Care Chiropractic & Rehabilitation for a posture assessment and treatment plan to limit the health issues presented by posture imbalances. Schedule your consultation by phone or online today.

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